
Friday, March 18, 2005


I first read the mystically numbered list (right, just a mere coincidence…) a couple of days ago. Today I happened upon it again. Yes, the placebo effect definitely deserves the top spot. I remember that I was so fascinated by the concept of placebo that I elected to take an introductory psychology class in my junior year (at the regrettable expense of hanging out in Sociology 111, an occasion for sociable girls). Of course, I've become an avatar of cognitive dissonance ever since. But is this scientific anomaly really a human condition in disguise?

Money cannot placate el Comandante, as any bona fide Marxist would surely be indignant.

A sequel to Johnson's prophetic essay headlines the Post today: U.S. to back Japan Security Council Bid. Even Tom Friedman couldn't resisit the cliché in yesterday's Times. No wonder that Wolfie can preside the World Bank.


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