
Saturday, April 02, 2005

Uncultured Perl

To circumvent the lack of sendmail on my desktop running Microsoft Windows, I learned to use Net::SMTP; :-$ I remain a novice Perl speaker despite many years of self-teaching. Anyhow, the result is my third Perl script for blogging:

$ ./
Usage: -p message -t subject 
$ ./ -t "   unCultured        peRL   " -p post.html
I aspire to speak Perl fluently. Here is a snippet of what I said in (with the able help of Perltidy) to publish this post. :-D I'm particularly proud of the regex herein.
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
use Net::SMTP;
my %opt;
0 < @ARGV and getopts('p:t:', \%opt)
  or die "Usage: -p message -t subject\n";
my $subject = localtime;
exists $opt{p} and -e (my $message = $opt{p})
  or die "nonexistent post\n";
if (exists $opt{t}) {
  # Properly capitalize all words in a title
  # (i.e., 'cApiTALiZe' becomes 'Capitalize'),
  # and trim intermediate whitespaces
  # (i.e., 'I    write  ' becomes 'I write ').
  ($subject = $opt{t}) =~ s/(\w+)\s+/\u\L$1 /go;
  $subject =~ s/^\s+//; # Remove leading whitespaces.
  $subject =~ s/\s+$//; # Remove trailing whitespaces.
# Code to email…
:-# Along the way, I also learned today why it's so easy to spam: unsuspecting servers abound in cyberspace.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


What is it with girls fighting?



7:22 PM  

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